Indians In United States-Overview

Hi , after discussing serious issues lets have some overview of Indians in United States.
A report from the U.S. Census bureau about Asians and Indians living in the United States:
Total Asians— 10,171,820Total Indian- 1,645,210
16.2% of all Asians are Asian Indians.
Indians had a larger percentage (71.4) of the populace between the ages of 16 and 64 than any other Asian group, except Thai (82.2%).
As a whole, Asians were more likely to be married than the general population. Furthermore, Asian Indians had a higher percent of married people than any other Asian group (67.4%) and a lower percent of separated people than any Asian group (0.9%)
70.7% of Indian households consist of married couples, compared to 52.5% of all households and 61.8% of all Asian households.
24.6% of all Asian Indians in America are natural born citizens, compared to 31.1% of allAsians in general. Of the total population, 88.9% are natural citizens.
6.6% of the total population are foreign-born, non-citizens. Compare this to 34.5 percent of all Asians that are foreign-born and non-citizens and the 45.8% of all Indians that are foreign-born and non-citizens.
A higher proportion (76%) of the foreign-born Asian population than the total foreign-born population (70) came to the U.S. over the past two decades. Forty-three percent of the foreign-born Asian population entered from 1990-2000. Over 50 percent of foreign-born Asian Indians entered the U.S. between 1990 and 2000. About 18% entered before 1980.
Out of the total U.S. population, 9.8% speak a language other than English at home, but also speak English "very well."39.4% of Asians speak another language at home and additionally speak English "very well."57.6% of Indian Asians spoke another language at home, and spoke English "very well" in '00.
Of the total population, 84% have at least a high school Diploma. 24 % have a Bachelors Degree or higher.80.4% of Asians have a High School Diploma. 44.1% of them have a Bachelors Degree or higher.86.6% of Asian Indians have at least a High School Diploma. 63.9% have a Bachelors Degree or higher.
In 2000, about 71% of both Asian men and all men aged 16 and over, and about 57% of both Asian women and all women of the same ages were in the labor force.Among the detailed Asian groups, Asian Indian and Pakistani men had the highest labor force participation rates (79% and 77%). These rates were also higher than that of all Asian men.
Of the general populace, 33.6% are in management professional, and related positions. Among the Asian population, 44.6% are in those positions. Among the Asian Indian population, 59.9 % are in those positions, more than any other Asian group.
The median yearly earnings for male workers is $37,057The median yearly earnings for Asian male workers is $40,650The median yearly earnings for Asian Indian male workers is $51,904, more than any other Asian group.
Poverty rates for Asians and the total population were similar.Asian Indians had a lower poverty rate than the total population (9.8% vs. 12.4%)
In terms of home ownership, about 2/3 of all homes are owned, not rented.A little more than half of all Asians own, instead of renting.A little less than half of all Asian Indians own instead of renting.
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