Psychological Disorder -- List that can help you to know inner prooblems

List of mental disorders as defined by the DSM and ICD

The following is a list of mental disorders as defined by the DSM and ICD.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is the American Psychiatric Association's standard reference for psychiatry which includes over 400 different definitions of mental disorders. The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) is published by the World Health Organization, and it contains a section on psychological and behavioral disorders. The diagnostic criteria and information in the DSM and ICD are revised and updated with each new version. This list contains conditions currently recognised descriptions of mental disorders as defined by these two documents.
There is disagreement in various fields of mental health care, including the field of psychiatry, over the definitions and criteria used to delineate various disorders. Of particular concern to some professionals is whether some of these conditions should be classified as 'mental illnesses' at all, or whether they would be better described as neurological disorders, or in other ways. Some items listed are ultimately removed: homosexuality was originally listed in the DSM, but was removed when the American Psychiatric Association officially claimed that "homosexuality per se implies no impairment in judgment, stability, reliability, or general social or vocational capabilities".

1. Academic problem
2. Acculturation problem
3. Acute stress disorder
4. Adjustment disorder
5. Adolescent antisocial behavior
6. Adult antisocial behavior
7. Adverse effects of medication-not otherwise specified
8. Age-related cognitive decline
9. Agoraphobia without history of panic disorder
10. Alcohol-related disorder
11. Amnestic disorder
12. Amphetamine (or amphetamine-like)-related disorder
13. Anorexia nervosa
14. Antisocial personality disorder
15. Anxiety disorder
16. Anxiolytic-related disorder
17. Asperger syndrome
18. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
19. Atypical autism
20. Autistic disorder
21. Autophagia
22. Avoidant personality disorder
23. Bereavement
24. Bibliomania
25. Binge eating disorder
26. Bipolar disorder
27. Boanthropy
28. Body dysmorphic disorder
29. Borderline intellectual functioning
30. Borderline personality disorder
31. Breathing-related sleep disorder
32. Brief psychotic disorder
33. Bulimia nervosa
34. Caffeine-related disorder
35. Cannabis-related disorder
36. Catatonic disorder
37. Childhood antisocial behavior
38. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
39. Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder
40. Circadian rhythm sleep disorder
41. Cocaine-related disorder
42. Cognitive disorder
43. Communication disorder
44. Conduct disorder
45. Conversion disorder
46. Delirium
47. Delusional disorder
48. Dementia
49. Dependent personality disorder
50. Depersonalization disorder
51. Depression
52. Depressive disorder
53. Derealization
54. Developmental coordination disorder
55. Disorder of infancy, childhood, or adolescence-not otherwise specified
56. Disorder of written expression
57. Disruptive behavior disorder
58. Dissociative amnesia
59. Dissociative disorder
60. Dissociative fugue
61. Diogenes syndrome
62. Dissociative identity disorder (DID)
63. Down Syndrome
64. Dyspareunia
65. Dyssomnia
66. Dysthymic disorder
67. Eating disorder-not otherwise specified
68. Echolalia
69. Echopraxia
70. Emotional disorder
71. Encopresis
72. Enuresis (not due to a general medical condition)
73. Erotomania
74. Exhibitionism
75. Expressive language disorder
76. Factitious disorder
77. Feeding disorder of infancy or early childhood
78. Female and male orgasmic disorders
79. Female sexual arousal disorder
80. Fetishism
81. Fregoli delusion
82. Frotteurism
83. Ganser syndrome
84. Gender identity disorder
85. Generalized anxiety disorder
86. General adaptation syndrome
87. Hallucinogen-related disorder
88. Histrionic personality disorder
89. Huntington's disease
90. Hypoactive sexual desire disorder
91. Hypomanic episode
92. Impulse control disorder-not elsewhere classified
93. Inhalant-related disorder
94. Insomnia due to a general medical condition
95. Intermittent explosive disorder
96. Joubert syndrome
97. Kleptomania
98. Learning disorders
99. Major depressive disorder

100. Major depressive episode
101. Male erectile disorder
102. Malingering
103. Manic episode
104. Mathematics disorder
105. Medication-related disorder
106. Mental disorder-not otherwise specified due to a general medical condition
107. Mental Retardation
108. Mixed episode
109. Mixed receptive-expressive language disorder
110. Mood disorder
111. Mood episode
112. Motor skills disorder
113. Munchausen's syndrome
114. Munchausen's syndrome by proxy
115. Narcissistic personality disorder
116. Narcolepsy
117. Neglect of child
118. Neuroleptic-related disorder
119. Nicotine-related disorder
120. Nightmare disorder
121. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
122. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD)
123. Occupational problem
124. Oneirophrenia
125. Opioid-related disorder
126. Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
127. Pain disorder
128. Panic attack
129. Panic disorder with agoraphobia
130. Panic disorder without agoraphobia
131. Paranoid personality disorder
132. Paraphilia
133. Parasomnia
134. Parent-child relational problem
135. Partner relational problem
136. Pathological gambling
137. Pedophilia
138. Perfectionism
139. Personality change due to a general medical condition
140. Personality disorder
141. Personality disorder-not otherwise specified
142. Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD)
143. Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Non Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS)
144. Phase of life problem
145. Phencyclidine (or phencyclidine-like)-related disorder
146. Phonological disorder
147. Physical abuse
148. Pica
149. Polysubstance-related disorder
150. Post-traumatic embitterment disorder (PTED)
151. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
152. Premature ejaculation
153. Primary hypersomnia
154. Primary insomnia
155. Psychological factor affecting medical condition
156. Psychotic disorder
157. Psychotic disorder-non otherwise specified
158. Pyromania
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160. Reactive Attachment Disorder of infancy or early childhood
161. Reading disorder
162. Relational disorder
163. Relational problem
164. Religious or spiritual problem
165. Residual schizophrenia
166. Rett's disorder
167. Rumination syndrome
168. Schizoaffective disorder
169. Schizoid personality disorder
170. Schizophrenia
171. Schizophreniform disorder
172. Schizotypal personality disorder
173. Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorder
174. Selective mutism
175. Separation anxiety disorder
176. Severe mental retardation
177. Sexual abuse of adult
178. Sexual abuse of child
179. Sexual arousal disorder
180. Sexual aversion disorder
181. Sexual desire disorder
182. Sexual disorder
183. Sexual dysfunction
184. Sexual pain disorder
185. Sexual sadism
186. Shared psychotic disorder
187. Sibling relational problem
188. Sleep disorder
189. Sleep terror disorder
190. Sleepwalking disorder
191. Social phobia (Social anxiety disorder]]
192. Somatization disorder
193. Somatoform disorder
194. Specific phobia
195. Stereotypic movement disorder
196. Stuttering
197. Substance-related disorder
198. Tardive dyskinesia
199. Tic disorder
200. Tourette's disorder
201. Transient tic disorder
202. Transvestic Fetishism
203. Trichotillomania
204. Vaginismus
205. Vascular dementia
206. Voyeurism


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