Five minute meditation

Five minute meditation

The following article appeared in the “Body love” section of the November 2009 edition of the ofCosmopolitan Magazine. The page was entitled “Healthy, sexy, strong: Abundant tips for beating stress”.

Katherine Ferris, from Sydney Wellbeing Centre teaches you how:

  • Sit quietly for five minutes: eyes closed, breathing deeply and slowly.
  • Count to four as you breathe in. Pause and count to eight as you breathe out.
  • Focus on your forehead: let it relax.
  • Relax your jaw and your face.
  • Let tension fade from the back of your neck, shoulders and spine.
  • Continue the breathing rhythm as you relax your body.

You are now teaching your body to release stress and tension.

  • Each time you meditate, it becomes easier.
  • Normal everyday sounds around you can help you relax even more.
  • Breathe in: feel centred and calm – an inner strength develops.
  • Breathe out: disperse obstacles standing in the way of the enjoyment of your life.

Now send loving thoughts to your family, friends and yourself.

  • Thank the universe for providing you with health and wellbeing.
  • Feel a deep gratitiude for all the good things in your life.
  • You can now remain centred and refreshed, long after you open your eyes, no matter where you are.


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